Candulor’s Swiss denture concept is considered the premier specialist in dental prosthetics throughout the dental industry.
Below is a laboratory preview for the Candulor Full upper and Full lower denture setup in wax. These dentures begin with series of detailed measurements and records are transferred to an articulator.
The Candulor systems advantage is the flawless, precise way the dentures come together. They assist in formatting an occlusion plane without interference and are then positioned over specific points along the ridge.
This is an advanced technique in setting up dentures that needs to be precisely accurate in function and prove cosmetically outstanding. If you look at the detailed pink wax up, there are several shades which help to form the initial natural form of tissue. This is important for a patient that may have a high smile line.
Would you like to find out more about the Candulor Swiss Denture Concept?
Read more about Candulor’s Swiss Denture Concept here or contact us for a free consultation.