There is a common myth that if you have full dentures, you do not need to visit a dentist often. At first glance, the logic looks foolproof. After all, if your teeth are not natural, why would you be overly concerned about oral health? However, logical as this line of reasoning may sound, it is an oversimplification of the facts.
To start with, oral health is a lot about maintaining dental hygiene. No matter how many natural teeth you have or you have not, you are still at a risk of getting gum disease. The full dentures may build up plaque which needs professional cleaning. Secondly, a dentist is able to detect any oral health issues. For example, people whose dentures become ill-fitting with time run a risk of sore gums, ulcers and in some cases oral cancer. A professional denture technician can detect this early enough as they carry out denture repairs.
Thirdly, oral hygiene helps to prolong the life of your full dentures. From your denture specialist, you probably got care instructions that include brushing on a daily basis. Do not stop short of following those instructions just because it appears pointless. With that in mind, it is important to note that it is not enough to brush your teeth every day. You must also look after your toothbrush if it will do the job effectively.
How to look after your toothbrush
Replace it every three months
Many people keep the same toothbrush for years despite dental recommendations. Changing your toothbrush helps you to get rid of the faded bristles with jagged edges that are excessively abrasive. The abrasiveness can cause gum recession. Secondly, with time, bacteria build up in the bristles affects your oral health. Lastly, a worn out toothbrush will not clean the dentures properly. The ends may, for example, bend away from the teeth making it impossible to clean between the teeth and gums.
Many dentists recommend that you replace your toothbrush every three months. Alternatively, if you are using an electric toothbrush, you can replace the brush head. Note that the three months is simply a guideline. If the bristles begin to fray before the three months are over, change the brush. In some cases, it is also recommended to change your brush after an illness.
Do not share your toothbrush
When you share your toothbrush, you exchange bodily fluids and micro-organisms. Consequently, you increase your risk of getting an infection if one of the two parties has a compromised immune system or a disease. In fact, this goes as far as storage. If you share storage space, store your toothbrushes so that they do not touch each other. While at it, keep the space clean and well ventilated. A moist and closed space encourages the growth of germs.
Wash your toothbrush regularly
The recommended practice is to wash your toothbrush before and after use under running water. This way, you remove excess toothpaste and any residue on the brush. You can help the process by running your fingers along the bristles. Allow the brush to dry before the next use. It is a good practice to soak the brush in antibacterial mouthwash at least once a week.
How a dental technician can help
A dental technician will help you by fitting your dentures. They are able to perform denture repairs so that at all times, your dentures fit perfectly. Remember that loose fitting dentures can increase your risks of contracting infections and making your gums sore and tender.
Secondly, in case of an accident that breaks your dentures during cleaning, a dental technician will be able to perform a denture repair. If you are looking for more toothbrush cleaning tips or denture repairs, contact the team at Aesthetic Dentures to see how they can help you look after your dentures.