Sometimes, when your dental health isn’t the greatest, you may need your teeth straightened by a pair of dental veneers. This is one of two methods to straighten crooked teeth – the second being clear aligners. Before we discuss which may be the best option for your dental health, we’ll go through why you might need dental veneers or clear aligners and how our Camden dentist will be able to help you.
Why Might You Need Dental Veneers or Clear Aligners?
Usually, the procedure of getting dental veneers or clear aligners happens as a teenager, once all of your teeth have fully formed and are in place. Dentists may assess your teeth and their physical appearance and suggest that you get dental veneers.
Clear aligners are another option – with Invisalign being the most common type of clear aligner that people get. Clear aligners are actually created from an impression of your teeth (taken by an orthodontist), these aligners are then replaced every few weeks and gradually move your teeth into the correct position.
The biggest benefit of getting dental veneers or clear aligners is to improve the physical appearance of your teeth. However, they can also be used to cover over chipped or broken teeth and severe teeth discolouration that can’t be fixed by teeth whitening.
There are two types of dental veneers: composite and porcelain. Porcelain dental veneers are fitted precisely to your mouth and go over the top of your teeth and are usually designed in two different sections for each row of your teeth. Whereas composite dental veneers are layered on top of the teeth themselves, rather than being fit around them.
When you visit your dentist for your next cleaning (usually performed by a dental hygienist), they may recommend dental veneers, if they have particular difficulty cleaning your teeth. Though they’re not just used to keep your teeth presentable, dental veneers are the preferred option.
What Are The Major Differences Between Dental Veneers and Clear Aligners?
There are a few major differences that separate dental veneers from clear aligners. They are as follows.
One of the major factors in making the decision between clear aligners and dental veneers is the cost. Dental veneers generally cost more than clear aligners. Clear aligners and payments for them can be spread out across multiple visits. Veneers, however, can be installed in a single visit, though they’re made off-site and generally leave you with a more immediate change to your smile and bite.
Although, their costs may vary based on the materials you choose (composite or resin), and the number of teeth that need to be treated in this fashion.
The cost of dental implants isn’t cheap, regardless of which option is right for you – but the ability to split payments up across multiple visits can sometimes make clear aligners a more attractive option. However, with afterpay dental, the same can be done for dental veneers. Be sure to ask your Camden dentist about payment options like afterpay dental.
Treatment Time
At Aesthetic Dental & Denture Clinic, we recognise that nobody likes going to the dentist – it doesn’t hurt our feelings, we get it. That’s why we may recommend dental veneers instead of clear aligners, as dental veneers have a much faster treatment time – taking two or three visits, instead of multiple visits over the course of many weeks, months, or years, depending on the complexity of the problem that they’re fixing.
Long Lasting Results
In short, both types of dental implants offer long-lasting results – dental veneers tend to last about ten years, though it largely depends on if you follow your dentist’s instructions post-treatment and avoid contact sports and crunchy or hard foods.
In conclusion, dental veneers are more of a cosmetic treatment – though they do have physical benefits, such as creating the appearance of better-aligned teeth. However, clear aligners are more of an orthodontic treatment, with longer-term benefits that can improve your oral health.
Call Aesthetic Dental & Denture Clinic Camden to arrange a consult with a dental hygienist, to see which treatment would benefit you the most.